So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90.12

Monday 12 September 2011

First Day

Today is our first day of school for 2011-2012!  I've been working on getting everything set up for the year during the last few weeks.  Our "workbaskets" (my version of workboxes) are set up.  I hope to do a post on these in the future.  I actually did a video to explain what I'm doing, but it was too big for Blogger to accept :(

To start off this year, Lass will be finishing up My Father's World First Grade.  At the same time, we'll be easing into Ambleside Online.  I am already excited about AO!  Hopefully, Lass will like it too.  We kind of hit a rough patch this weekend when she informed me that she wasn't going to do school, but we have worked it out, I think.  Later on in the year, we will be starting a different math programme.  I'm looking at Singapore Math, Miquon Math, and Math-U-See.  There are so many great products out there for every subject that it is hard to make a decision!  We will also be starting French lessons.  This subject will be a little different as I will also be teaching my friend Laura's son.  Our first lesson will be "Bonjour!  Je m'appelle ..."  I am also going to attempt to teach Lassie to knit - could be interesting.

Laddie will be doing therapy based activities mostly - colouring/drawing, Playdough, scissoring activities, puzzles, etc.  I have a few things lined up, but I'm waiting to see how things go before I make any solid plans for him.

So, that's the very basic outline for our year.  Thanks for visiting!

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