So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90.12

Friday 24 June 2011

Vegetable Garden At Last

I finally started planting some vegetables today!  It's been quite cool here and we even had frost a couple of nights ago.  So, I've been hemming and hawing about when to plant but I decided to take the plunge this afternoon.  We don't have a big area ploughed up or anything, so I just have a few little plots around the yard.

We had a bare spot behind our shed, so we dug it up well and mixed in a good dose of  "fertilizer" aka bunny poop, etc.  When I told my kids what we were going to mix into the clay, they were pretty disgusted!  I decided to plant some zucchini here because there is lots of room for it to spread out.

There is our little finished zucchini plot!  We'll likely be overrun with them by August.  My husband says the only reason why it's not safe to leave your car unlocked in the summer on PEI is that you may come back to a car full of zucchini and cucumbers!

By the way, can you guess what crop is planted in the field behind our place this year?

Thanks for visiting today!

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