So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90.12

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Psalm 1

In our chapel Bible study, we are now working our way through the Psalms (my husband is speaking on Psalm 3 tonight).  This morning, I was just looking through the first few Psalms.  I think Psalm 1 is one of my favourite passages.  About 5 years ago, we acquired a Psalter and started learning some of the Psalms set to metre.  Of course, the first one we learned (and the only one I can remember off the top of my head) was the first Psalm.  Here is the metrical version of the first two verses:
That man hath perfect blessedness
who walketh not astray
In counsel of ungodly men,
nor stands in sinners' way,
Nor sitteth in the scorner's chair:
But placeth his delight
Upon God's law, and meditates
on his law day and night.

I wanted to include an audio or video link, but I could only find this sung to a different tune than we use or in Gaelic.  (Gaelic is a beautiful language but I don't understand 99% of it!)  We are accustomed to singing acapella.  We do not use musical instruments at our breaking of bread meeting or our Bible study.  There is something wonderful about the sound of unaccompanied human voices singing as a group.  Some sing very well and some not so well, but the combined sound is quite nice.   "Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise." Psalm 98.4

This psalm is what the life of a Christian should look like:  steering clear of the lifestyle of the ungodly and approval of their sin and living a life of purity before God  The Christian should not be rationalising or justifying his/her wrong behaviour but making their life line up to what God says in His Word - the Bible.  That must always be the final authority.

I am linking this post to the Hip Homeschool Hop.  Thanks for visiting today.   


Homeschool on the Croft said...

You would love our worship services! We sing only acapella, and only psalms, in Gaelic and in English.
I love Psalm 1, and this is the version we learnt from childhood.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I was delighted to see I had a visitor from your part of the world.... so many of our islanders left here to go to your part of Canada. I always feel 'cianalas' when I think of your part of the world (do you know the word 'cianalas'?).
Love, Anne x

Homeschool on the Croft said...

....I'm back again! I was just on another site, and the post for today was talking about children's education from the perspective of Psalm 1.... here's the link in case you want to have a listen - it's only a couple of minutes long


Jacqueline said...

Thanks so much for the comments,Anne, and for following my blog! I really look forward to reading your posts. Your word "cianalas" - does it mean "homesickness"? (I looked it up in my dictionary). I am sure many of the settlers who made it here felt that. There are quite a few cairns about telling of different groups of settlers who came from Lewis, Harris, and Skye. Thanks also for the link - I'll be sure to listen to it!